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What about if I told you that changing your VIBES (mood) could literally, change your life forever.

Sounds like magic right, maybe too good to be true. Some of you may even think, non sense....that's impossible!

But yes, it's so very true, navigating in a higher level of consciousness here and now, is fairly simple, however, to be able to be there, we need to change our VIBE first, so we need to know how this invisible VIBE force works.

And why should it matter to all of us?

It matters because understanding this invisible force (vibrational coded frequency) could be the key to unlocking our full potential, elevating our consciousness, "so much needed in this times of great change", aligning our Soul with the Universe's rhythm, and transforming our everyday reality. As Individuals and for the Collective.


So, I am going to reveal to you 20 consciousness LAWS that will bring our vibration to the level of pure liquid love! Where anything and everything is possible.

I will go with 5 at a time, so its easier for all of us to get in the VIBE... and learn to SOAR!

1. THE LAW OF ONENESS: Everything in the universe is connected. We are all part of a divine interconnected web (unified field). It reinforces the idea that every thought, word, and action ripples out and affects others and the universe at large. For example, the empathy you feel for another's pain or joy is a testament to our interconnectedness.

How can you apply this 1st law daily:  Cultivate a sense of unity with all living beings (humans and not humans, all equal). Your actions impact the whole, so act with kindness and compassion. If you catch yourself having a negative thought about another being, STOP yourself, release the thought, and replace it with a thought that comes from a place of love, knowing that even your thoughts have consequences for the whole (yourself included). Practice seeing yourself in the eyes of the other, what you’re thinking of them is only a mirror of what you are thinking about yourself.


2. THE LAW OF VIBRATION: Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates. This law suggests that everything in the universe, from the stars in the sky to the deepest thoughts of your heart, vibrates at a unique frequency. The rate at which you vibrate determines your frequency. For example, imagine the day when everything feels perfectly aligned. Your mood, the people you meet, the messages you receive. That's the law of vibration in action, manifesting your inner vibrations into your physical experience. To vibrate in a higher level of consciousness we need to tame the EGO-self.

How can you apply this 2nd law daily:  Start by becoming more mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and words. Positive thinking and practicing gratitude can literally, raise your vibrational frequency, attracting more positivity and more things to be grateful for into your life. As your inner world and frequency shifts, the outer world transforms to match your new and more aligned self reality.


3. THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: Everything is only energy and information coded in vibrational frequencies. This law is intimately connected with the law of vibration. This is because the act of vibrating at a certain frequency is what initiates the process of attracting corresponding experiences. This principle suggests that like attracts like, in thoughts and feelings on positive outcomes. I'm sure you have heard from Tony Robbins “Energy flows where your attention goes” right? We all become what we put our focus on. So, where focus goes, energy flows. For example, ever noticed how a positive outlook can lead to positive outcomes? That's the law of attraction, turning your mindset into your reality.

How can you apply this 3rd law daily: Clearly and as often as you can, visualize your heart's true desire, your goals too, but most importantly FEEL being in the present moment and connect with what you honestly and truly desire for your present and your future, and encourage only a positive mindset. Believe with every fiber of your being in the desired results, as if they were already on their way to you, with blind faith, you *deserve them, and the universe will conspire to make it happen.

*Fear and doubt come when we don't feel worthy, but if it comes from your heart, you deserve it, for the simple fact of being here on this magical earth journey!


4. THE LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE; As above, so below, as within, so without. This signifies the connection between the universe and our lives. Heaven and Hell are right here. The outer world mirrors our inner world. What we see and experience in our life is a reflection of our conscious and unconscious beliefs and patterns. For example, the harmony or chaos in your surroundings often reflects your internal state. A cluttered life might reflect a cluttered mind, lack of money reflecting a poor mindset, or old beliefs (mother-father, lineage) mostly around money.

How can you apply this 4th law daily: To create outer harmony, start with your inner self. Cultivate peace and harmony within your being, start forgiving yourself, forgive others (anyone), and practice with the eyes of your imagination to talk to all the beings you have hurt and ask for forgiveness if you feel guilty.

Practice either breathwork, meditation, grounding, yoga, Taichi, Chi-Gong, or any mindful discipline, soon your external environment will begin to mirror it. You can also visualize currencies as the universe wanting money to flow to you, and now that any debts you may have had or still carry, are just a reflection of your old consciousness of a scarcity mindset and nothing else. So, again, with your eyes of your imagination see all that old you fade away, see yourself successful and powerful, in a mindful way of course.  Your life is going to change, the universe will start to open paths of love and financial opportunities to make things right again, for you and everyone around you.


5. THE LAW OF INSPIRED ACTION: This law is about taking action. That aligns with your goals, dreams, and desires. While the Law of Attraction sets the stage and aligns your vibration with what you want to achieve, the Law of Inspired Action compels you to move toward your dreams actively. Dreaming thoughts and intentions alone are not enough without corresponding actions. For example, just like planning a trip, only wishing to go somewhere isn't enough. You need to buy your ticket, pack your bags, and actually take action. GO! DO IT, whatever it is, and don’t be afraid, use the *fear factor “transform that emotion” to move you toward what you want. And don’t *doubt! You are going to succeed!

How can you apply this 5th law daily: Identify your goals and take daily steps towards them, no matter how big or small. Inspired action is the bridge between desire and manifestation. But as things start to take form and opportunities arise, move! DO IT! dare to JUMP into the unknown, you might be surprised and delighted to have done it.

My personal tips to start with; Treat everyone with kindness. Kindness is not only contagious, it’s also proven to make you happier. When you’re kind to others, your brain produces feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters like serotonin and you’re able to build strong relationships with others, fostering positive feelings all around.

Consider your problems simply as contrasts, much-needed challenges. Change your internal dialogue so that every time you have a “problem” you see it as a great challenge or a new opportunity for change, a great lesson to learn and even thank everyone involved in your challenge, as they are helping you grow in your level of consciousness, improving your life. Practice eliminating the word “problem” from your mind entirely.

Coming up…

The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Compensation

The Law of Relativity

So, stay tuned…

Much love & Good Vibes!



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Cindy's therapies, treatments, and sessions focus not just on alleviating symptoms but on uncovering and addressing the root causes behind them. Many clients have reported life-changing transformations as they engage in this healing journey. It's essential to approach these treatments with an open heart, ready to let go of emotional blocks a more profound healing experience. While initial adjustments may bring challenges, embracing the emotional aspects of healing often leads to more effective and lasting results.

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