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Updated: Nov 22, 2022

This new year 2019, brings us new light and new life!

This year's energy is and will be much lighter! & I am certainly very excited for what is coming this 2019 and of course, in the years to come.

Energetically, psychically and emotionally what might appear to you as a somewhat trampled start, it really is a blessing in disguise. Every single being sitting on the planet go through a period of profound internal and external detoxification.

But YESSS we did it! And here we are, starting a new year!

What some of you might not know is that this month is the beginning of a new cycle of 7 years.

This past Full Super Moon & Lunar Eclipse open the door to us all and gave us the opportunity to release once more our emotional trash and start to be more genuine.

If some of you know of numerology, 2019 is a universal year number 3 (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3). 3 is the number of creativity, joy, and expression. 3 is also a magic number because it represents the miracle of co-creation. So, 2019 is a year of new beginnings.

Starting in 2019 and ending in 2026, this next 7 years will be a new beginning for many of us, for all of us if we just let it flow and work on putting the EGO-Self in the back seat. It will be a cycle of elevation and freedom, a completely new cycle.

The mantra of this year is, to let all things flow and focus on feeling only what you really want. It's going to be a hard work, because we have been thought to only see what's going wrong most of the time.

If we go back in time, we see that from 2012 to 2018, it was a cycle of compensation, of great learning and spiritual growth in all of us in one way or another.

So, for all those who are a bit exhausted by the last few years (which is quite a number of people), the intensity of the energies that have existed since 2012 and who felt even stronger from 2016-2018 what has been happening to many people it has felt like a great struggle to keep or make their lives work and it has not been easy in many aspects.

All in recent years have faced great challenges, in relationships, finances, health, work, strong events, etc. ... but rejoice as this year as well as most of the coming years will be very good years to move things forward, it's time to shake the old stale dense energies and let the new higher lighter energies in.

For those of you who already feel quite elevated and well connected, this is a call about the future, because the same revolution and evolution that you seek to help create, will usher in a new level of consciousness and you will see even more positive changes, much more evident, changes that for all of us in the next seven years will be vital for our self-transformation. These more revolutionized souls or elevated in their perception, will have the opportunity to give support to other souls.

Part of all this transformation is because, for the past seven years, what we have been seeing and experiencing in this world a very slow and uncomfortable death of old systems, archaic ways of being, and old, ingrained and erroneous patterns that do not vibrate anymore and it is not easy for any of us to go through the filter and move slowly out of the old.

If today you realize that you are a highly sensitive or have become more an empathetic person who for many years without knowing you have been collecting energy, somehow dense energy that dominated the world, and affected you, you could certainly have been beaten in recent years by these waves of dense energy from situations, as well as from other people who, like energetic vampires, hanged themselves from you.

In which case, the good news is that today you will finally tell them ADIOS, yes indeed you will, because today will begin a period in which you will intuitively know how to manage your energy and be able to transmute dense energies around you more easily.

" This year will be also the time for you to discover your true path here on earth."

Therefore, this will be a great opportunity for you to learn to listen more to your inner voice and really immerse yourself in what you truly desire.

Ask yourself; What do I need, what do I want, what should I do with my life to feel really alive, I am really living what I am passionate about and truly makes me happy.

Am I missing what is really important to my soul, sitting in the comfortable chair. Now, if I am being honest, I can sure recognize as a spectator, that actually it is not comfortable at all, its truth it only serves me to survive.

If you only see the chaos in your life today, ask yourself if there is a true connection, something that gives you passion for life. If you have recognized that to this day you have only lived in fear or panic, exposed to the outside world, if that feeling has made you lose faith, passion, energy, and your own creative power as an unlimited being.

Recapitulate, take courage and dare to leave your fear and judgment, start to give yourself some time and think about your true priorities, your true intentions that come from the depths of your heart.

The world and your life today need more than ever your good intentions to evolve, created from love, with love and for love to do good, starting with yourself.

My advice to you is:

Let go of the heaviest weight in your life. What stops you to keep growing form within.

Meditate for a moment and ask yourself:

What is the one most important thing that you should let go?

What are you holding on to, limiting you to get to live the life of your dreams, if something appears in your mind while you are reading this, well, that is what you must let go, get rid of, even if it hurts, let it go. It may seem very difficult to do so, but this will free you and make your life lighter and happier, even if for the moment it does not seem to be that way. Just be brave, be genuine & trust that for sure you will be in a much better place that you are today.

Dedicate to yourself more, it is your duty to do so, in order to be able to raise the vibration that will help you to grow and transcend, you need to give yourself self-care time, be gentle and patience in the process.

Become your own authority and the number one option to go to for support in times of emotional need. Remember that your best friend is yourself, and by this, I mean your higher self, your inner voice that comes from your superior being who speaks to you.

Stay till for a moment and listen to your own inner wise voice, in there you will find all the answers. Leave out the external voices, they only confuse and produce deep crowed loneliness. Give up resistance, judgement and control that only inflates the EGO.

Open your arms and surrender, release the resistance, I remember that the Chinese usually say; Why is water the most powerful element? "Because it does not oppose any resistance."

Make peace and surrender from the heart of the resentment of any relationship, person or situation of the past, no matter how bad, abusive or terrible it may have been, cut the ties or knots of the guilt created by the false EGO.

Practice visualizing yourself looking at yourself being different. Thank the lesson and the learning that this relationship or experience brought to your life, remember that all the people in this world that crosses our paths are a vital link in the chain of our wellbeing and spiritual growth. Ultimately, we choose them!

Let go of the mental chaos and seek your inner light (I invite you to visualize your thymus gland, which is between the heart and your throat is about the size of a walnut and fill it with white light and let it radiate outwards illuminating your path) you will enjoy the moment, even in the midst of any agitation, you will find your great peace.

You are the creator so imagine your own ocean of infinite possibilities, start writing your own story today, one that is the most exciting that has ever been written, where you are the protagonist.

And if some of you out there, if you may already be fulfilling your intentions right now, congratulations this year will feel a lot more aligned, much lighter and more connected.

Friends, this 2019 is a year to celebrate!

After a few years of intense soul searching, we have another chance coming up, new great beginning will start to unfold, so let's move forward & enjoy!

It is a great year of new beginnings of renewal and joy, the year of liberation, something big is coming.


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Cindy's therapies, treatments, and sessions focus not just on alleviating symptoms but on uncovering and addressing the root causes behind them. Many clients have reported life-changing transformations as they engage in this healing journey. It's essential to approach these treatments with an open heart, ready to let go of emotional blocks a more profound healing experience. While initial adjustments may bring challenges, embracing the emotional aspects of healing often leads to more effective and lasting results.

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