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"The Galileo Movement" share from Humanity Team & "OM NAMAH new podcast"

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In the 1600s, when Galileo, after observing the sky with the telescope he built himself, publicly shared his belief that the Earth rotated daily, and yearly revolved around the Sun, it didn’t go over well.

The Roman Inquisition quickly declared the idea to be not only “absurd” but “against scripture,” and they eventually convicted Galileo of heresy, forced him to publicly recant under threat of death, and sentenced him to house arrest for the rest of his life.

During that time, he continued to write about his heavenly observations and before long, so many other astronomers around the world had confirmed his findings that eventually even the Catholic Church had to alter their interpretation of scripture to accommodate the inconvenient truth.

Galileo stood virtually alone against hundreds of years of common perception and religious dogma, and yet he persevered and changed the world forever.

The need for humanity to change its course and live more consciously is our current inconvenient truth, and the “Changing Humanity’s Future” initiative its called the "Galileo moment".

At the present time, our prevailing beliefs about the Divine and Life are incomplete.

Teachings in the classroom largely focus on our physical attributes and a dual Universe even though science is now affirming we are energetic, vibrational, spiritual beings and the Universe is in fact non-dual.

Our world view has not caught up with recent scientific findings. This is causing much of the dysfunction in the world today. Changing Humanity’s Future is important so we all may journey to a sustainable and flourishing future.

If you care about the truth, the Earth, and humanity's future, then I hope you'll join and embark with me & the "Galileo movement" on this eye-opening adventure together.

Cindy Graf with “OM NAMAH RETREATS, Letting Life In” will start a podcast every 1st day of every month, starting this Saturday, July 1st. 2023.

Our first podcast topics will include:

  • How can we fall in love with ourselves & by doing so, bring more love into this world

  • How can we understand that the creating and healing element of this world is only LOVE

  • How can we work on remembering that we are not only HUMAN BEINGS

  • Embrace thinking out o the box, be open and receptive to new things to learn & then share

  • And last but not least, how can we understand that the only way of hear, feel and reach beyond the physical world is by turning on our intuition, activating our higher self navigation system.

OM NAMAH was created in 2021 & Its mission is to build a community of like-minded people with one purpose:

​"Raise our Vibration & Awareness to Unconditional Love."

OM NAMAH RETREATS is a constant universal learning center, where all its conscious and loving members who are dedicated to Self-Healing and Awakening of Global Consciousness contribute with their knowledge.

Young & Mature, Wiser audience who wish to participate can join our community, given that our goal is to transform through liberation and harmonic alignment

We all are one and everyone around the world is welcome to be part of the OM NAMAH RETREATS community, because the moment has come to stand up & make our world be, the one our eyes wish to see. We are the change, it's coming from within, I truly believe we can make conscious living pervasive worldwide starting, today.

Join us!

In profound gratitude & love



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Cindy's therapies, treatments, and sessions focus not just on alleviating symptoms but on uncovering and addressing the root causes behind them. Many clients have reported life-changing transformations as they engage in this healing journey. It's essential to approach these treatments with an open heart, ready to let go of emotional blocks a more profound healing experience. While initial adjustments may bring challenges, embracing the emotional aspects of healing often leads to more effective and lasting results.

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