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“The Truth and the Lie rise to the surface to dance the last dance of this 2020”

Writer's picture: undefined

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

This energy update I will call it: “The Truth and the Lie rise to the surface to dance the last dance of this 2020” an action-packed year indeed.

In these 2 months that remain we will experience many revelations, healing, clarity, a lot of emotions will be on the surface as a result of the external chaos, but above all, it is a month to speak the truth, truths will surface, some will be expressed calmly, others they will be painful, for example; you may be in an argument with someone and feel a strong impulsive and even aggressive way of expressing yourself with a great need to vent. Be sure to moderate your emotions, do not suppress them, but be careful as not everyone may be open even to a different possibility or way of seeing it the way you do, and instead of seeing the good intention of your words, you can create a momentary abyss of confusion anger and frustration.

This is due to a great transformation, and many emotions will surface like boiling water, making you experience all kinds of things, some days you might feel edgy some loved, lots of ups and downs.

Emotions drain. We are all tired, with all that we have been thru this year of course we are more stressed than usual.

As long as someone is rigid about their opinion or belief, it will be more difficult for them to assimilate this outburst when faced with a new challenge since they have always been used to suppressing their emotions.

We have been educated to silence our real truth of expression driven by fear, fear of confrontations, fear of what they will say, fear of the future, the past, but all those old traumas will be appearing in the now and they will really be holding on tightly to what we are fighting to let go, this emotional energy subdued under that belief so imposed by ancestral generations. It is not necessarily that you want to defend your old opinions or beliefs, as much as the immobility of your emotional state that unease your mind.

But this month inexplicable impulses will come up that will make all of us speak what we never spoke before, and that's okay, as we need these impulses to come out, so we are able to move in the right direction. That is right, great impulses to speak the truth, no longer stay quiet.

So, when you seem so to hear or speak something ridiculous or unnecessary, that's when you will know that you are releasing what are old beliefs, so absurd and obsolete... coming from simply and purely collective stress. Recognized them and stop the non-sense merry go round of collective old mental negative trash.

We know that the great change has begun and my God, that we are changing...

It's known that who we are, is changing all the time, it is part of being a soul in a human body. We will change and evolve throughout our lives. Since life is a process, not a destination, it is not about getting somewhere and staying there happily ever after. It is the day to day that makes our history with all its blessings and its magical contrasts, which help us grow and become better people.

This month will see a GREAT mental and emotional cleaning (purging), throwing many old beliefs and ways of being, these painful truths are and will be coming out so that we can clean the foundations of our private lives, our society, our world. So, we can move forward without continuing to drag the dark side of history.

This month all will finally come to light, we will begin to undress the old beliefs and we will help the soul to be our new way of dressing, thinking, and acting.

All of this will prepare us for next year. A year of more great changes, what?... more changes you may say... yes more changes!

Remember that to live in a better world and reinvent ourselves, as well as to adapt to the new, we need to leave the old world as something that already was. All of us now are experiencing a duel, a breakup, or a great final goodbye for good, and all goodbyes are painful.

So have some compassion for yourself, but also have some necessary healthy limits. And yes, I will not get tired of repeating, practice breathing. Today more than ever we are being asked to learn to inhale and exhale to bring more balance and harmony to our life, we will need it.

The energies of these last months were strong, this last 2 months will be even stronger due to certain planetary conjunctions, the trick is to realize that they just are energy waves, nothing is wrong with you, these energy waves are designed to appear to move us inside out, challenging us, giving us the opportunity to make a change, after a jolt of these waves we can rise again better than before.

When you understand the relationship between flow and structure, you will flow more relaxed when these waves of energy arrive, you will know how to use them in your favor instead of fighting and suffering (ex. struggling with some physical symptoms). When you enter the flow and let it pass through you, you will notice that when you focus on what you want, manifestations happen very quickly, almost instantaneously, magically. Just be careful what you focus on!

My advice, do not fight the flow, do not be stiff-minded. The least that is required right now is to try to control everything with the mind. Instead, just flow and try something different, try small acts of compassion loaded with a lot of PEACE within.

These small acts of peace that we give to ourselves and to others are much needed in order not to lose balance and sanity, they are very stimulating at this time. It changes a stormy moment into a moment of FAITH and HOPE.

We have seen the waves of this pandemic and perhaps these 2 months we will see another peak. It is jarring but highly enlightened. COVID-19 in my individual experience is more a blessing bringing a great deal of growth in all orders. I will write more about it soon.

There is an old saying that human beings mostly use the gift of speech for 3 wishes; Health to be cured of something, love for so much loneliness, and prosperity because of a life in scarcity. But wishes will always remain wishes. All sickness and misfortune are born from the violation of the law of spoken manifestation, the law of love, health, and prosperity can only be and be feel as if it already lives in you by our divine right of being.

So, I suggest that instead to wish for something, change it for a new affirmation, like:

"Thank you because we love each other unconditionally, what I am is you and what you are I am" Here and now in the game of life "love, goodwill" for everything that lives on the planet, will always triumph in all planes and dimensionalities.

Practice exchanging your constant fear, for love in everything, and for all the beings that inhabit this wonderful mother earth. Know that what a person says of another will be what he says about himself and what he wants for others he will wish for himself.

It is the 11th month of the year 2020, enjoy the beauty that surrounds you and focus on choosing LOVE, love is the highest frequency that exists and is so necessary on these challenging days of our lives.

See the beauty in everything and know that everything is fine, everything is in perfect order, everything is where it should be. Do not hesitate. Believe it with blind faith. Look inside and you will see that it is the truth. And somehow, in the silence of your mind, you will realize that it is so.

Allow yourself to be in close contact with your physical body, there has been too much anger in the past which hurts the physicality of ourselves. It is time for a change, it is time to wake up to the truth of our souls get to know your perfect & wonderful body, get in touch with your earthly vessel, love it, get in real contact with your 5 senses so that you can better navigate with it in this world.

And if you just can’t stop your mind and it’s constant thoughts, if you're so worried about all the things you can't do, STOP for a moment and remember to look around at all the things that DO work for you right now, see the things you've gained so far, because I bet if you still remember how your life was before March 2020, you will continue to think that in the midst of this so-called global chaos, your life has gained much more positive than negative and above all, it has gained much more CLARITY, a sense of a more awakened consciousness that was dormant in the past.

For a moment let go of all the should in your life, for now, let go of the guilt that is making you take some decisions because that will only weaken you, even more, you will lose your energy and lose your balance and health, do only the things that really are true for you. Do not focus on the money you must earn to survive, but on the blessings, you have right now and give thanks. DO NOT let the stream of the collective fear contaminate your thoughts.

Make all your choices from your heart, not from your mind, that will bring you to a new beginning followed by a sure triumph if you listen in the silence of your intuition where the truth of your being speaks to you.

This month, in particular, we will have to make many decisions, and there will be many options, perhaps there will be some options that may change your life for the better and although it may not seem like that at first, today more than ever you will have to listen to the mind of your heart, not that of your mental mind that makes you dizzy with fears and doubts, do not listen to the outside voices that will confuse you, do not fall into the same mistakes of the past, stop and listen to the voice of your heart because that is where your intuitive guide is, the super self-awareness that will speak loud and clear, there will be always the correct answers to your questions.

We have been blindfolded for a long time. Each and every one need to change, but do not wait and sit for someone else to remove the blindfold, you have 2 hands, do it with the power of LOVE for yourself and others do your part so that we can ALL truly change the world we want to see and in which we will live for so many more generations.

Choose LOVE, this internal battle will only be won with the tools coming from the heart!

Many breathing exercises and meditation are what I highly recommend to all, believe me, in silence you will hear the answer to your prayers. Your heart will tell you what your next step in the right direction is, let yourself be guided by it, you will learn to feel more, instead of thinking more.

We all know we are in the middle of a great change in all orders and there is a very fine line in the feelings department, the mind oriented towards anger and hatred makes the manifestation a reality guided by those negative thoughts.

It is not a change of government, a better health system, and all those illusions, it is our thoughts that will create our reality, so choose loving and positive thoughts in all its forms and only focus on love, since that is the one that will save the world and all of us who inhabit it.

Remember these are magical times and we all chose to be here and live them. This is really what our souls have been waiting for.

In these winter months if you want to support yourself to boost your immune system; Practice Yoga, eat healthier, drink plenty of water, rest as much as you can, and support yourself with natural supplementation. A great choice is Solle Naturals supplements, is 100% natural, love it. For quantum supplementation, I use LimbicArc just visit my page for more information.healthy, drink plenty of water, rest as much as you can, and support yourself with natural supplementation. A great choice is Solle Naturals supplements, is 100% natural, love it. For quantum supplementation, I use LimbicArc just visit my page for more information.

Much Love, Namaste


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Cindy's therapies, treatments, and sessions focus not just on alleviating symptoms but on uncovering and addressing the root causes behind them. Many clients have reported life-changing transformations as they engage in this healing journey. It's essential to approach these treatments with an open heart, ready to let go of emotional blocks a more profound healing experience. While initial adjustments may bring challenges, embracing the emotional aspects of healing often leads to more effective and lasting results.

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