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Welcome 2021 happy start of a new era!

Writer's picture: undefined

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

This will be a busy and exciting year for everyone. 2021, a year of drastic and transformational changes, it is divinely designed to alter and move the stagnant, which no longer serves humanity.

It is seen today that we are dealing with many problems, a world crisis, particularly in ​​health, there is great fear for the economy, global stability and many more things that has everyone concern at this time.

Well, When we decide to vibrate low, if on a daily basis, the only thing we talk about, is the very thing we fear the most, it becomes a reality, so we continue to deal with the same old same, these thoughts are associated with lack of faith, scarcity, poor health, bad or stagnant relationships, no direction etc. … and continues to generate the internal struggle of how to fit in where you belong today, and of course, as this moment everything has changed and everything is practically in the air, it sure scary to see, that there is nowhere to hold on because what we clung to for so long, practically no longer exists, this of course it creates great collective anguish, it generates a tremendous fear.

Then again, today we know that those fears or negative thoughts meaning low frequencies do not promote life, quite the opposite, it literally generates a self-fulfill prophecy, since all those negative thoughts will most definitely create that reality that everybody fear so much.

All our Thoughts become a reality.

We are a civilization that fell asleep in a major ego consciousness, luckily is slowly awakening. And although many continue in disbelieve and will remain asleep for a while longer, this year we will see an even more important change in humanity, even the most asleep and skeptical will questioned and recognize that something is happening that He or She does not recognize anymore. We are entering into a profoundly serious part of the transformation phase as we are heading into the new, creative, magical & multidimensional world.

And yes, eventually we will all wake up to a new world. Now, for the time being…

There is a saying; “If you are at the bottom of the ocean and cannot get out, become a diver”.

Here are some of the energetical-physical Symptoms that we will be experiencing in the first quarter of this year 2021:

1.Very emotional feelings will be on the surface at this time, they will range from easy crying to emotionally very sensitive, for some the feeling of not even get out of bed because they cannot find direction, do not know what to do with a sense of a deep melancholy and grief, wanting to go back to what they knew and knew how to navigate in the old life.

2.Feelings of great anguish, fear, and anxiety of the uncertain future, followed by sudden outbursts or reactions of frustration, anger, and impotence, some will want to pick a fight, ventilate, others will choose apathy and disinterest, rather walk away. We are purging old feelings of hurt, resentment and more, we are processing and letting go of the old negative mode.

My advice: do not suppress those emotions or fight these feelings, but by any means, do not take it out on the one in front of you, instead choose to breathe, breathing is the key, count to ten or more, find a secluded place where you can ventilate them and just allow yourself to trust that those emotions will pass and that everything is in perfect divine order.

So simply Breathe deep! Thru this purging and cleaning phase, we must keep the faith firm and be receptive and open to the belief that on this process all is well, there are infinite possibilities in this new world that we are entering, and it is a world full of light, harmony, and love, just believe, it is also real!

3. The on and off periods of some general discomfort and body aches will continue for a while so be patient and loving to yourself. The most common for now, are stomach problems, poor digestion, heartburn, pain in the chest, sternum area, throat area, tense neck, shoulder pain and back pain. Some eye, sinus congestion issues as well as some allergic skin reactions. These come and go as a result of intense changes at the DNA level as the "Crystalline code" awakens within us.

4. Occasional palpitations, some mild irregular heartbeats, sometimes a startle in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, as the heart continues to open its energy field, we are releasing blockages and old patterns, emotional burdens, so when that happens, take deep breaths, try when you inhale holding your breath for 4 or 5 counts before exhaling, listen to music at 432Hz or 528Hz frequencies, to release constriction, practice meditation of the heart chakra, that assists in the opening of the heart.

5. Physical disorientation. Sometimes we will be feeling very spacy, out centered, or focused, very dispersed, zero concentration, as if we are literally walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions between dimensionalities and adjusts to new energies, the physical body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time outside in nature, step barefoot most of the time to help settle the new energy within.

6. Conversations with ourselves. We will suddenly realize that we have been babbling with ourselves for the past thirty minutes. There is a new level of communication happening within our being and we are experiencing a new connection between the conscious mind and the mind of the heart. Conversations will increase, becoming more fluid, more coherent and concrete, more insightful. You are not going crazy; you are simply moving the new energy from the heart mind (intuition or soul) conscious mind, they are getting integrated.

7. Loss of interest, (this is temporary). We may feel totally dispassionate, with little or no desire to do anything. Somethings really exhausted for no reason, with the need to lay down almost all day. It is simply part of the process. Do not feel bad or guilty. Do not fight with yourself for this, just take this time to do "nothing." It is similar to a restart of your computer. We need to "shut down" for a short period of time in order to load the sophisticated codes of the new energy software.

8. Insomnia, and / or having your sleeping patterns all out of whack. As if they don't need so many hours of sleep anymore. Waking up at 2,3, or 4 am. Also, when sleeping, many experience vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams. We are releasing many, even many lifetime experiences of low vibrational energy. Don't despair everything will improve eventually. I use ZENLABSUSA CBD and love it, I’m very sensitive, this one is fantastic, it is one of the purest 100% organic oils to help you sleep peacefully, if you need extra support when you can't sleep, I highly recommend it.

9. Today we begin to open our eyes more and we understand that the systems of domination and control of powers (which we all already know) are not here to help humanity, we will enter into a healthier awareness we will also do so with our environment, because we know now more what is causing poor health in all living things. This year more and more people will begin to question, at what point do we think it makes sense to eat and put poison into our bodies? When we got lost in that believe.

So, many more people beginning this year will be inclined to change their lifestyles, we are transcending at this moment, as our physical bodies are going through an immense detoxification, the earth is changing dimensions, and we are on earth, which means that we are changing dimensions too, we are all going to have to transcend and that means that we are going to have to leave all limiting beliefs, the old stories we were thought in the past, we are going to also have to gradually release chemicals in our bodies that keep our vibration low, such as food additives , artificial ingredients, bottled water in plastic, super toxic cleaning products, that even come with big deadly warnings, all those things that not only undermine our health, but every living thing out there too.

Today we also recognize that it is not only the virus or its mutations why people are still getting sick now, we know that we are also dealing with this vibrational energetic change and the impact on the physical body has a lot to do with this change, since the physical the body is the densest.

We will see many more people of all ages, adopting healing or restorative practices in themselves, many are learning thanks to technology and means of access on how to help themselves to improve their overall health (mental, physical and energetical) also animals, how to heal or reform the way we see and treat animals and wildlife as well. “Thank God” it is time to stop so much cruelty out there. More and more people are becoming aware on how to help mother earth and the reforestation of rivers, seas, forests, jungles and more, God bless us all for that humanitarian action.

Now, keep in mind, there is a great amount of internal work to be process and debug, in the next two or three years, we will continue to see this chaotic clash between heart energy and anything that comes from a place that does not have a heart or compassion for other humans, other living beings and the planet itself. The resistance, the battle of the two worlds the EGO will fight to the end to preserve its position in the false power of many minds that no longer has any foundation.

So, at the end of the day, you may question yourself, how can I start with these changes myself, well, we must raise our energy vibration to an incredibly positive state, how?

Amazingly simple, yet incredibly hard in our mindset today. We all must practice positive thoughts!

Do you remember the Disney movie “Monsters Inc.”, In order to create the energy of the city they used the means of fear, then when they befreed themselves from that dominance, they changed it for laughter so they doubled the energy and everyone lived very happy. Well, it is the same in real life, fear controls, suppresses and kills, love, laughter and joy elevates and frees the soul.

So how do you get to those thoughts? Just close your eyes and breathe deep, and say these words endlessly:

"Everything is fine, I am in a safe world, completely connected, I am not alone, I am loved, everything is perfect, I trust, I trust, I trust"

This year will feel quite different, it will be a more humanitarian year, we will start to change our way of thinking and our perspective on life, our lives will be completely different from today at the end of the year. We will see how beliefs of the old world will be unearthed and abolished.

Be prepared, as what you "think" you want now will likely be completely transformed tomorrow. Nothing will be the same as before, but one thing will be for sure, it will be better than before, so hang on tight, it will be a dynamic year of great changes in all areas, wants, goals, relationships, friends, finances, projects, everything will go through a complete renovation, change is inevitable. Do not be surprised if you find yourself in a totally different place than you thought, for now, try practice create from the heart what brings you passion.

In this vast universe full of possibilities, what seems to be so dark in today's world really hides a lot of light, and it is precisely in this essential moment that each of us has the possibility of creating the world that we want to see, we are creators, and we can light up this world like a great star, we are really destined for experiences much bigger and brighter than what our still somewhat numbed consciousness today does not even imagine. We incarnate on planet earth for a reason and our role here is so unique.

My advice as always; If you are going through more serious health situations, do not panic, change your diet, eat more mindfully, cut on bad carbohydrates, processed sugars, and dairy for now, eat more green leafy vegetables and fruits drink much more pure water than before in a glass container not plastic, look for more natural solutions to detoxify and purify yourself, and remember anything that you can avoid that is suppressing any of your body systems try to work more on regenerating that organ instead of having a pharmaceutical doing its job. Every condition in the body is just temporarily it happens thru you not to you. And you know, Drugs or Vaccines, they can do more harm than good, and the side effects will only make the process longer or more painful.

Practice YOGA, meditate and reconnect with your inner SELF, he knows well the way home. You inner being is home, your family is everything and everyone, your parents the supreme being, the mystery we call God in any religious culture.

And remember, we are not alone, we have never been separated, we are so well taking care of, we have at our disposal many guides and teachers of light as well as many earthly angels to assist each other.

However, if you feel you need more support or direction visit my page is I am always ready to assist. These are MAGICAL times!!

It really is a phenomenal journey. So, get ready ..... because here we go!!!

Namaste blessings


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Cindy's therapies, treatments, and sessions focus not just on alleviating symptoms but on uncovering and addressing the root causes behind them. Many clients have reported life-changing transformations as they engage in this healing journey. It's essential to approach these treatments with an open heart, ready to let go of emotional blocks a more profound healing experience. While initial adjustments may bring challenges, embracing the emotional aspects of healing often leads to more effective and lasting results.

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