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Updated: Nov 22, 2022

We are at the gates of an imminent new reality and many more changes are coming ... We must all be open and allow ourselves to receive these many blessings.

Before I begin, I want to express my deep gratitude to all of you out there in the front row, doctors, nurses and assistants from all hospital and public sectors to all the staff of basic public service centers such as supermarkets and more, who support and help everyone in this moment of world crisis.

Thanks to all the lightworkers and intuitive guides who, like me, offer their services as universal spiritual guides on how to make this transition much easier.

Many thanks to all of you who are keeping to their homes quarantining giving a regenerating respite to our dear mother earth. Allowing nature, the opportunity to reforest and giving a well-deserved break to the animal kingdom from so much abuse. Now at least they can let their guard down and poke out their heads to feel free again without threat.

I am happy to see that throughout the world we are all becoming more united than ever. Although at the moment it may not seem so, our earth continues to give us only blessings. Spiritually speaking, I can tell you despite all this global chaos, fear and uncertainty, we are and will be more united in love and compassion than anyone has ever seen or imagined before.

Yes, extraordinary times are coming for everyone, but we must trust and act from the heart because to overcome these challenges, it is necessary to recognize we are being given the opportunity for a new rebirth. But this time as a unity, we will heal each other and the earth along with every living being that inhabits it as ONE collective unity.

You see, the earth is changing its cycle and when this happens it’s like starting fresh from scratch. Humanity needs to be prepared to accept that everything we have known until now will begin to fade; the frequency and dimensional levels of the earth have begun to give the first signs of this great quantum jump, this great universal transformation. This is the divine change we have all been searching so long for, it’s finally here.

Today it may seem like we are going through a 3rd world war and what we are experiencing looks unreal, but if you think about it, this biological warfare is a blessing in disguise, and necessary for our evolution. It is presenting us the opportunity to grow and change what no longer works in our yesterday’s world.

Understandably, today there is some level of fear and uncertainty especially during these times of confinement being so difficult for many we want to think like other pandemics. At first it will be very difficult to recover our global economy, but hopefully & eventually everything will return to normal.

But what is the normality that we lived yesterday? A handful of lies disguised as an excessively material world, surviving within a core of false beliefs.

Our EGO loves to entertain us, distract us, infiltrate the doubt, make us weak and fill our minds with fear for an uncertain future, a future that DOES NOT EXIST. If tomorrow a meteorite falls on the earth or the sun decides to burst all humanity will be extinct forever, just like that... As creators, we can always create and re-invent our future the way we want to.

So, the question here is…. What scenario do you see for your future?

Live in FEAR for the future, terrified and tormented about how you will pay the bills when all this is over because the economy will be hit so hard?

Or trust that all this must have a divine purpose and although you do not know how all this will come together, you do feel within yourself a great positive change is around the bend?

Once we pass this great test everything will be much better for all of us, so during this great challenge you should occupy your time on how to reinvent yourself and begin to live a new life more mindful and present with more meaning for you, your loved ones, and the world around you

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you returned to the old world of yesterday, ...?

When I think of myself and about my world of yesterday, in all honesty ... My initial response is, YES. Almost every morning I wake up happy, very grateful for my life, blessed with a healthy body and mind, but if I stop for a moment to think more carefully, I correct myself… and say with sadness… absolutely NO. I definitely, do not want to return to the old world…. when I used to interact with the outside world, on the street, at work, or even in my social life not everything was beautiful, not everything worked magically for me. When I looked around most of the time I saw fear on people's faces, insecurity, suffering, conflict, pain, excesses & extremes, tears, sadness, cruelty, abuse, lots of diseases, and great manipulation, too much environmental stress.

Regarding earth, I saw deforestation, contamination, I felt how the earth was crying in silence, treated with so much cruelty. Almost every other day, there was a text on how to protect yourself from being assaulted, robbed or kidnapped... we all needed to be protected from… each other?... I was not happy to see the animals suffering from so much inhumane abuse, it horrified me and left me feeling helpless with a lot of anger ... I was living with a lot of stress, and I didn't even realize it ... I got used to living in stress ... as a chameleon, I adapted, and we all did.

When I have asked people what would they change if they could change for the better?

What would make them happier in their world…? The most common response was, having more money to do good things….

Ironically, we have all lived in a blue paradise with infinite wealth at our disposal, and we, only ourselves, go on to transform it into a living hell, all in the name of a piece of paper with a supposed value called MONEY.

And today I ask you; do you want to go back to what you left on pause yesterday?

….I do not!

Today it doesn't matter how much you have in the bank if everything you can buy disappears forever tomorrow. I'm not talking about common basic goods or luxury goods, I'm talking about the air you breathe, the nature that shelters you and gives you its nourishment, the sea that is a source of life. Would you put a note into your nose and try to see if you can breathe through it to live? ... Or perhaps buy a rocket to launch yourself into space and live in a capsule, thinking with relief that at least you had the opportunity to get out…, of the paradise you destroyed?!

Finally, we are all in the same boat ... and without moving into more negativity, it is time to celebrate and rejoice ... why? Because yes, we have been blessed with a third chance to get it right this time.

This master plan, (where the human and divine have been conspiring together) is designed because the earth is changing into a new cycle and will begin to emerge with a greater vibration. All of humanity will be given a new identity, but for this to happen, we are forced to purge ourselves and release the old ways of thinking. This process will bring periods of absolute uncertainty, anxiety, despair and anguish with periods of detoxification at all levels, (check the symptoms of ascension) there will also be periods of great inner calm, even during this chaos. Some will experience extreme ups and there will be lots of downs, others will go crazy and even think about suicide, each one will live their own experience.

And while everything is happening in each one of us new codes of loving energy are being created with information in our hearts, and very subtly on all levels, the blockages that have cut us off for so many generations will gradually be released.

A seed has been implanted in all of us, it now lives in our DNA and once activated, it will teach us new ways of loving and living in a way never before experienced in our consciousness of humanity. We will be more aware of our actions and how we are guiding ourselves through this life, the experience of being a union and little by little we will leave the separation from the ego. Once the crisis is over, we will choose to live more deliberately with more joy and will experience a centered connection of the heart and mind never before practiced carrying out our new projects. A new magical world will emerge guided by the energy of love and new beginnings as a collective unity I like to call it a hidden blessing, everything that seems to collapse is truly the beginning of ... a


Now while this seed is anchored in you with energy and information of unconditional love, it is important to be grounded and connect with the earth. If you do not practice the earth connection, you will be too distracted and that will bring you internal chaos and much discomfort. ..

So, the theme here is TRUST, practicing more compassion for yourself and others, exchanging fear for inner security, and letting go of control which is vital. The best way to start practicing is by simply ... ENTERING SILENCE ... SILENCING OF THE MIND ...

It sounds easier than it is right, since minds are so entertained by the EGO the thought of changing is scary, and the idea of ​​even trying becomes very difficult, almost impossible.

But something as simple as closing your eyes and to stop thinking is all that is required here. When practicing meditation, you will see your panorama clearer and see the true navigation manual with more clarity. Now more than ever with everything entering a total stop and nowhere to go we are being forced to rest mentally ... now is the time to try it, you have nothing to lose, but much to gain.

Take about 5 minutes first to be alone with your eyes closed, concentrating only on your breathing, then increase ...

Try it every day and, repeat within your mind: "everything is fine, I am safe, we are all safe, I trust, everything is fine, everything will be fine". To understand all this you need to be silent and know the source of divine force or the mystery that we call God. This divine consciousness acts in very unexpected ways, and always for a greater good.

For those who continue to live in the old world attached to old archaic and obsolete structures, they will suffer a little more ... They will be tormented, clinging to something that no longer exists, looking for it in a built false security, of an old school with old structures that no longer coincide with this new era. Until last year, our world was only designed to make us victims of fear, insecurity, danger and disease.

I invite everyone to take this great opportunity to truly change and start living in a world where there is room for everyone in total abundance, love, and infinite health of mind, body, and energy! Don't keep trying to look for it outside of you, you are all that, it has always existed inside you; it’s time to start practicing being in it.

Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and how to protect ourselves. All viruses and bacteria out there are created by human reasoning and always take the form of something at other levels of consciousness disease, viruses, and bacteria do not exist they are only the product of our imagination. But since we have not yet reached those levels of consciousness, I remind you again that our mother earth has always had us covered, our pharmacy is in our garden and all herbs are medicinal. Everything that comes from our mother earth has the antidote and cure no vaccine can replace so I recommend that you go back to basics.

The best medicine is in your pantry, use it wisely. On my page, you will find my honey preparation with boiled garlic, and the natural steps to follow to raise the defenses of your physical body.

The Chinese healed their people with ancient traditional Chinese medicine. If you are not afraid to get infected, visit the chiropractor, acupuncturist, therapist, come closer and learn more about quantum medicine (energy and information). Now more than ever look more for natural resources, but most importantly, raise the defenses of your mental body, practice meditation and some discipline like yoga tai chi, chi-gong, to shake off fear and negative thoughts that produce stress. Do not choose to go crazy in your confinement just looking for meaningless things to entertain yourself.

Remember that stress acidifies the body and that is what you least want at this moment, in an acid body, inflammation and pathogenic microorganisms are very happy.

And like the same virus, if it has not been given to you at some point it will, some will have it without realizing it, for others, it will become difficult, and you will fight to overcome it. But if you decide to get out of that condition, you will be immune to live a new reality in a magical and abundant new world here on earth.

Rest assured that no one will be left behind. Since today the doors of your true self-being are opening, enjoy these magical times, recognize that we have been invited to be part of this new level of consciousness. We signed up for it and as the seasons of the year, we have already spent too long of a winter and spring has arrived, what we were all waiting for to create space for this new beginning… well, it is happening in everyone, for everyone right now. TRUST, you are divinely taking care of and all is well.

I love you and send you all, in any corner of the earth where you are a huge hug of light!



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Cindy's therapies, treatments, and sessions focus not just on alleviating symptoms but on uncovering and addressing the root causes behind them. Many clients have reported life-changing transformations as they engage in this healing journey. It's essential to approach these treatments with an open heart, ready to let go of emotional blocks a more profound healing experience. While initial adjustments may bring challenges, embracing the emotional aspects of healing often leads to more effective and lasting results.

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