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Weekend Retreat in Cancun, Mx.
Align With Your True Path
July 22-23

Rates from 350usd
Reserve your spot ASAP with 25usd

limited to 15 people!

If you reserve before June 15 you will participate in a raffle: 

"My Spiritual Call"
for a chance to win FREE accommodation!

Put the code ALMAFELIZ & get an additional 5% discount.
Winners will be announced here on June 20th


Aligning With Your True Soul Path

A dynamic weekend retreat on how to unleash your inner calling.

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Presented by; Cindy Graf, Nancy Esparza, Maritere Vizcaino and Cristina del Razo


Cindy, takes you on a journey through the art of visualization, to effectively create & manifest what you want in your life. She helps you recognize the source of your blockages, your repetitive patterns & possible health conditions. She teaches you how to heal by shifting your perception through the knowledge & understanding of epigenetics.

Nancy, helps you feel, align, and connect with your body, mind  & soul through mindful Yoga and other ancient disciplines of movement.

Maritere, takes you on a journey to raise your vibration through Meditation and Sound Healing, pure magic!

Cristina, takes you on an ancestral journey involving a Cacao & Temazcal Ceremony. Connecting with our "Abueltias" in a powerful pre-hispanic tradition of cleansing and detoxification, similar to a steam bath. With her guidance, you will release all negative emotions & heal on all levels; emotional, physical, and mental.


Happy Soul weekend retreat will cover:


more information about the upcoming retreat!

Thanks for submitting!

Cindys Therapien, Behandlungen und Sitzungen gehen weit über die blosse Linderung von Symptomen hinaus – sie zielen darauf ab, die tiefen Ursachen hinter den Beschwerden zu entdecken und anzugehen. Viele Klienten haben von erstaunlichen, lebensverändernden Transformationen berichtet, während sie sich auf diese heilende Reise eingelassen haben. Es ist wichtig, sich mit einem offenen Herzen auf diese Behandlungen einzulassen, bereit, emotionale Blockaden loszulassen und eine tiefere, ganzheitliche Heilung zu erfahren. Auch wenn der Anfang manchmal herausfordernd sein kann, führt das liebevolle Annehmen der emotionalen Aspekte der Heilung oft zu nachhaltigen und kraftvollen Ergebnissen

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