Free 15 min. Consultation
Services By Appointment with Cindy
Onsite or Online Services
Advice on personalized treatments regarding health conditions.
Functional therapies to remove blockages and heal on a mental and physical level.
Hypnotherapy with targeted frequency waves (Dr. Rife method) to rewire your mind and rise your vibration.
Natural Remedies and efficient Nutritional advice
(All Ages)
Love Heals
It is wise to love and build healthy relationships, but the most important relationship you need to care for is the one with yourself.
If we truly want to love, we must see within ourselves, learn to work with our emotions, heal our past and present wounds, forgive ourselves, and let go of the guilt, shame, and resentment because these limit us from living a fulfilling life.
Join this Spiritual and Alchemical support group for life questions and crises.
Learn single and group methods to heal and become you again!
* Spiritual and psychological support for life questions and crises.
* Individual sessions, reading groups, workshops & courses.

Classes & Workshops
* The answers are not always where you look for them.
* Try to open your mind to something more than what you already know.
Try some dynamic classes, courses and workshops with Cindy (mostly on weekends). Identify and resolve blockages, experience spiritual growth, and self-healing, through epi-genetic science, breathing exercises, yoga movements, chi-gong, kundalini mindful movements, healing mantras, and meditation.
(For all ages)
"Upgrade" Try Quantum Medicine Services & Supplementation
We all are vibrational beings, and each vibration is equivalent to a composition in the "vibrational" world and operates by quantum entanglement in the fifth element called the quantum field.
All this conscious energy, moves and transforms by frequency codes, in other words, the power of our voice and the words we use is everything in creation, positive or negative, health or sickness, happiness or unhappiness.
And this is Science. To learn more. The 2022 Nobel Prize in physics recognized three scientists who made groundbreaking contributions in understanding one of the most mysterious of all natural phenomena: "Quantum Entanglement"
In the simplest terms, quantum entanglement means that aspects of one particle of an entangled pair depend on aspects of the other particle, no matter how far apart they are or what lies between them, even if they are millions of light years apart. This odd connection between the two particles is instantaneous, connected by a frequency stimulus, (epigenetics), seemingly breaking a fundamental law of the universe.
Albert Einstein famously called the phenomenon “Spooky action at a distance.”