Love Heals! / El amor Sana!
It is wise to love and build healthy relationships.
Service Description
But if we truly want to love, we must learn to forgive ourselves, guilt, shame, and resentment. Because these limit us from living a fulfilling life. Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to think straight, to eat, or even to sleep. Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. You may associate grieving with the death of a loved one—which is often the cause of the most intense type of grief—but any loss can cause grief, including: Sudden and painful separation at a young age Divorce or relationship breakup Loss of health Losing a job Loss of financial stability A miscarriage A loved one's serious illness Retirement Death of a pet Loss of a cherished dream Unexpected loss of a loved one Loss of a friendship Loss of safety after a trauma Selling the family home Even subtle losses in life can trigger a sense of grief. You might grieve after moving away from home, graduating, separating from good friends and the educational world, changing jobs... etc... Spiritual and psychological support for life questions and crises is vital, and learning how love heals is vital. Try Individual sessions, or reading groups, workshops, and courses. --------- Puede experimentar todo tipo de emociones difíciles e inesperadas, desde conmoción o ira hasta incredulidad, culpa y tristeza profunda. El dolor del duelo también puede afectar su salud física, lo que dificulta pensar con claridad, comer o incluso dormir. Hacer frente a la pérdida de alguien o algo que amas es uno de los mayores desafíos de la vida. Puede asociar el duelo con la muerte de un ser querido, que a menudo es la causa del tipo de duelo más intenso, pero cualquier pérdida puede causar duelo, incluyendo: Separación repentina y dolorosa a una edad temprana Divorcio o ruptura de pareja Pérdida de salud, o perder un trabajo Pérdida de estabilidad financiera, un aborto espontáneo La enfermedad grave de un ser querido. El apoyo espiritual y psicológico para las cuestiones y crisis de la vida es vital, y aprender cómo el amor cura,es vital. Pruebe sesiones individuales o grupos de lectura, talleres y cursos.
Cancellation Policy
Appointment Cancellation Policy Agreement GRAF NATURAL WELLNESS is committed to providing all of our clients with exceptional care. If you cancel without giving enough notice, you prevent another client from being seen. Call or contact us through the portal or WhatsApp at US (970) 2861736, MX (998) 399-1977 at least 48hrs. before your scheduled appointment to notify any changes or cancellations. If advance notice is not given, you will be charged the full amount of the missed appointment, class, event, course, retreat, or workshop. Important Information: Every Session, Services, Class, Course, Workshop or Retreat has its own Booking Policy read it carefully before booking it. Additional REFUND POLICY; Be in the notice that, any refund made through PayPal, credit cards, or direct bank transfer, generates an extra charge for the service, course, retreat, class or event not carried out. This % fee will be taken out from the amount you paid for our service. Thank you. ------- Acuerdo de Política de Cancelaciónes GRAF NATURAL WELLNESS se compromete a brindar a todos nuestros clientes una atención excepcional. Si cancelas sin avisar con suficiente antelación, evitas que se vea a otro cliente. Llámenos o contáctenos a través del portal o WhatsApp al US (970) 2861736, MX (998) 399-1977 por lo menos 48hrs. antes de su cita programada para notificar cualquier cambio o cancelación. Si no se notifica con anticipación, se le cobrará el monto total de la cita, clase, evento, curso, retiro o taller perdido. Información importante: Cada Sesión, Servicios, Clase, Curso, Taller o Retiro tiene su propia Política de Reservas, léela atentamente antes de reservar. Si no se da aviso por adelantado, se le cobrará el monto total de la cita, clase, curso, taller, evento o retiro perdido. POLITICA DE REEMBOLSO ADICIONAL; Tenga en cuenta que, cualquier reembolso realizado a través de paypal, tarjetas de crédito o transferencia bancaria directa, genera un cargo adicional por el servicio, curso, retiro, clase o evento no realizado. Este % de tarifa se deducirá del monto que pagó por el servicio. Gracias
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